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Mark Rifkin: Why Not Just Eat Chickpeas?

December 9, 2021
Theresa "Sam" Houghton

The Modern Health Nerd Podcast, Episode #5

In a landscape full of foodtech, level-12 Instagram vegans and conflicting food and health headlines, do you ever find yourself looking for a more balanced approach?

You've been looking for Mark Rifkin.

About Mark

mark rifkin vegan RD

Mark holds a Master's Degree in health education and is a Registered Dietitian. Vegan since 1986, he previously worked in a community clinic and private practice, and currently works in nutrition policy.

Mark is shifting his career focus toward application of plant-based diets for sustainability and expects to complete his second graduate degree in Environmental Science and Policy at Johns Hopkins in 2022. He is also highly active in the vegan dietitian community.

You can email Mark at: preventive_nutrition (at) comcast (dot) net

For further reading: Meatonomics by David Robinson Simon.

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