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Mal Hebblewhite: Unlocking the Gut Health "Black Box" with Atmo Biosciences

December 9, 2021
Theresa "Sam" Houghton

The Modern Health Nerd Podcast, Episode #8

What if you could know exactly what's going on in your gut and fix it -- once and for all?

Mal Hebblewhite's company, Atmo Biosciences, is working on the solution.

We've got a bit of a different focus on the podcast for this episode. Gut health is a hot topic -- and no wonder.

Food allergies, food sensitivities and conditions like IBS and IBD are running rampant in today's society. Our damaged guts are affecting our quality of life, and up until now, we've only had the tiniest window into what's going on.

Atmo Biosciences is working on an amazing technological solution to give a window into the "black box" of gut health and help break the cycle of trial-and-error gut treatment. It's time for a more personalized approach!

About Mal

mal hebblewhite of atmo biosciences

Malcolm (Mal) Hebblewhite is CEO of Atmo Biosciences, which he co-founded in 2018 to commercialize novel ingestible gas-sensing capsule IP licensed from RMIT University.

Mal holds a BE (Aerospace) with Honors from the University of NSW, Sydney, and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

You can email Mal at: Mal.h (at) atmobiosciences (dot) com.

More About Atmo

Atmo Biosciences is a digital health business focussed on providing objective real-time insights into gut health and microbiome function. Atmo’s world-first ingestible gas-sensing capsule senses clinically important gaseous biomarkers in real time at the source of production, and transmits the data wirelessly to the cloud for aggregation and analysis.

Atmo addresses the need to monitor microbiome function, allowing improved diagnosis and personalized therapeutic approaches, resulting in earlier and more successful relief of symptoms, and reduced healthcare costs.

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