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FoodHack: Making the Foodtech Space More Accessible

December 9, 2021
Theresa "Sam" Houghton

The Modern Health Nerd Podcast, Episode #23

What's one of the plant-based movement's biggest barriers to growth?

Arman Anaturk would argue it's consumer education. (Although people need to give startups a break, too!)

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How FoodHack is helping startup founders make connections in the foodtech space
  • The origins of FoodHack, its mission and how the platform has adapted during the pandemic
  • The biggest struggles for startups trying to position and scale in the plant-based space
  • The role of big brands in advancing the foodtech and plant-based movements
  • Why consumer education is the missing piece in the quest to transform the food system

About Arman & FoodHack

Arman Anaturk of FoodHack

Arman is the cofounder of FoodHack, a community driven media and events platform for the food and foodtech industry.

A university drop out at the age of of 18, Arman went on to launch multiple ventures including a coding school in London and a communications and strategy agency for the food and science fields before getting to his current startup, FoodHack.

Today Arman's role has him overseeing the growth of the meetups, which are now active in 18 cities across the globe and building new products for their community of 10k food entrepreneurs, innovators and investors across the globe.

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