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Supplant Foods: Making Functional Ingredients for Better Plant-Based Products

The Modern Health Nerd Podcast, Episode #21

Can functional flours solve the challenges of taste and texture in plant-based food formulations?

Chirag Sabunani of Supplant Foods is on a mission to make it happen.

Many alternative protein products rely on plant protein isolates and a number of additional ingredients to achieve tastes and textures similar to meat, but Supplant is taking a different approach.

Through a minimal-waste process, they're producing functional chickpea flour that's flavorless, versatile and affordable.

In this episode, we dig into the implications of that functionality, as well as some of the areas where plant-based foods could use improvement to start appealing to the masses.

About Supplant Foods

chirag sabunani of supplant foods

Supplant Foods specializes in sourcing, processing and marketing high-quality plant-based ingredients.

By partnering with some of the world’s most celebrated formulators and scientists, they're able to develop and offer functional, cost-effective, sustainable products that allow companies to develop new concepts and products that are good for people and the world. Located in India, Supplant has access to a diverse range of raw material feedstock, which helps keep ingredients affordable.

About Chirag

Chirag spends much of his time on the road, connecting with customers, identifying their needs, ideating and developing alliances where he applies his expertise in bakery and meat analog formulation, and also his degree in Materials Science.

In addition to his work, Chirag enjoys adventurous travel, sports and deep philosophical conversations.

Get in Touch with Supplant & Chirag

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