Finally Understand Your Customers

The Modern Health Nerd is here to help your plant-based, functional or better-for-you brand save time on marketing using educational written content that targets your customers' specific needs.

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Does this sound familiar?

You have a great product.
You know it solves a real need.

So, you create content to grab attention, but you don't get the engagement you're looking for. The sales you expect don't materialize.

Modern Health Nerd working on a content strategy
Audience - what they like, what they need or who they are.

What’s going on?

It's a classic case of putting the cart before the horse. You can't make content your customers like if you don't know who your customers are, how they think or why they they choose products like yours.

It's about more than creating personas. Your brand needs to show up in front of the customers most likely to benefit from –– and therefore buy –– your products.

Find their communities. Follow their favorite hashtags. Learn how they talk.

Then you can make content that hits the mark. 🎯

Not Your Average Approach to Marketing

A Guided Customer Research Process

Work one-on-one with Sam, the Modern Health Nerd's Chief Nerd (that's me!) to create detailed customer personas, trace your customers' mental purchasing journey and identify relevant topics for your content.

Personalized Dashboard

We'll do all our strategy work in a collaborative Notion dashboard customized for your brand that you can access at any time.

Ongoing Support

Each week, we'll meet to share updates and discuss any questions you may have while I handle long-form content creation in the background between sessions.

Understand Your Customers, Increase Engagement (and Sales)

How is customer discovery different from analytics?

Analytics show how your customers shop—not why they buy. Customer discovery reveals more about what your customers are thinking, which makes it easier target messaging on your site, in ads and in content.

Isn't keyword research enough to target my audience?

Keywords help your website and content rank higher in search results but don't always reflect the language your customers use. To find this out, you need to find out how they talk among themselves.

Customer discovery digs into relevant online communities to clarify which questions, struggles and concerns to address and the right words to use to make your site copy, product descriptions and content resonate with your audience.

I'm doing SEO work. Do I need customer discovery, too?

That depends! If you're already ranking well, getting a lot of traffic and making a steady stream of sales, you're probably good to go. But if your traffic isn't converting and your social media audience is full of crickets, your messaging might need work. Customer discovery can help there!

Why should I write long-form content?
I'm already doing social media.

Written content gives you an almost endless source of ideas for your social media feeds. You can repurpose each written piece into dozens of posts, carousels, stories and videos to share across platforms for months. No more wondering what to post every day or scrambling to fill your content calendar at the last minute!

Does writing long-form content really increase sales?

This is a bit tricky to answer. Longer content is usually more in-depth, which gives your customers a better grasp of a subject. You can use this to your advantage to clear up confusion about your products' ingredients or functions—which removes barriers to purchase. And long-form blog posts do tend to rank better on Google over time.

Other factors like site speed, page layout and user experience can affect conversions, so it's important to work on these in addition to content.

How does all this save me money and time?

Knowing your customers means you don't have to waste time guessing the right words to use or channels to target. You can base ad creative, site copy, blogs and social media posts on concrete information about who you're selling to—and focus campaign spending on the best audience for your products.

Long-form content is a bit of a paradox: It's slower to rank but can remain highly visible in search results for years. The content you create today has long-term potential to build brand awareness and drive sales. And since you can keep refreshing and repurposing it, you can spend less time (and money) coming up with new content ideas and focus on other areas of business growth instead.

Understand your "why”

When you're clear on why your company exists, it's easier to find the people who vibe with your mission.

Make better personas

Going where your customers actually hang out means no more time (or money) wasted on trying to target theoretical, bland avatars.

Do content right

Use what you learn to create content that gets engagement, builds trust and drives sales on every platform.

Start a movement

Go beyond content to build communities that support your brand and have the power to become a movement that makes a positive impact on the world.

Meet the chief nerd

Hi there! I’m Theresa “Sam” Houghton, Chief Nerd @ the Modern Health Nerd

What started as a journey to better health turned into a passion for sharing actionable, life-changing information. In 2009, I went plant-based; in 2014, I became a health coach. All the while, I was writing content to pay the bills.

But I’ve always been a writer. Since I was a kid, I’ve been crafting stories and writing informative reports. I’ve been hunting down all the news that is the news and digging into characters’ psyches because I love to explore.

And I spend the vast majority of my time hanging around with your target audience. I hear them talk, understand how they think and know the challenges they face.

Put it all together, and what do you get? The perfect recipe for helping health-focused CPG and DTC companies (like yours!) understand customers, create targeted messaging and stop wasting time on content that doesn't get engagement.

It’s my nerdy pleasure to unlock the secrets in your customers' heads and use them to help you succeed. Looking forward to nerding out with you!

Modern Health Nerd - Theresa Sam Houghton

Nerdy Collaborations, Past & Present

Nature's FyndOats in Coats

What Fellow Nerds are Saying

Sam's been doing some freelance work for Superpath and has been wonderful to work with.

Every piece she delivers is well-written, thorough and a breeze to read.

Jimmy Daly

We loved working with Sam on content marketing. She did an incredible job with creating very thought out blog posts that were tailored specifically to add as much value as possible to the reader while maximizing SEO searchability.

Sam goes the extra mile and it really felt like she was an extension of our team and not a normal content marketing consultant. We look forward to working with Sam again!

Matt Feldman
Moku Foods

Sam has been amazing to work with. She has been involved in content creation and strategy for FreshCap, primarily around producing in-depth guides on our medicinal mushrooms.

It's pretty rare to find someone that is willing to put in such a high level of care and integrity into their work. Honest, organized, smart, and not afraid to take on tough challenges.

Thanks for everything that you do!

Tony Shields
FreshCap Mushrooms

Sam is a content marketing guru. She has such a great understanding of social platforms accompanied by a great personality which makes it such a treat to work with her. If you are looking to start creating more content and building a community, Sam is your solution!

Mateo Elvira
Elvira Media

Theresa is reliable, punctual, and an excellent writer. She carefully researches each topic assigned to her and writes with expert-level authority. She adheres to deadlines, and often submits content early. I would highly recommend her to any business looking to ramp up their content marketing strategy.

Matthew Carrigan
National Business Capital & Services

Find Out What Your Customers Are Thinking